It's a quite common mistake that developers are not filtering out sensitive
data from such payloads. Error reports containing private keys and seed phrases went to a centralized server that was most likely compromised at some point.
Many people used the same imported/exported private keys in other popular wallets (like Phantom). That's why it was damn hard to understand at first what the vector of this attack was.
Is Solana blockchain compromised?
No. It's just a matter of issue with the wallet app named Slope.
What to do? How to live with that? I have just one piece of advice for you on how to avoid such situations in the future. Always hold your tokens in cold wallets without access to the internet. Try not to use the same private key in many wallet apps. Beware which smart contracts you are interacting with.
My funds were stolen. What should I do?
Do not use any private key generated or imported into the Slope wallet. The attacker may have them.